Born in High Wycombe, I moved up to Perth in1971 at the age of 2 when my family relocated. I was educated in Perth and Queen Margaret College in Edinburgh where I graduated with a diploma in podiatric medicine in 1990. After qualifying I worked with the NHS for nearly 25 years progressing to a Specialist Podiatrist in Education and Training looking after a small team.
I returned to Perth at every opportunity to visit family and friends, but it became harder to leave after every visit. So I moved back to be close to my nearest and dearest and develop my own experience by working in the private sector.
When not keeping people on their feet, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, swing and salsa dancing, cuddling up with a good book and my cats, and at every possibility seeing live music.
I look forward to seeing you in the clinic.
Following a primary career in librarianship I retrained as a podiatrist in 2018 and now combine work in the mental health care field with podiatry; I find the nature and variety of two caring professions most rewarding.
I have a special interest in complimentary therapies as part of a holistic approach to health care, and continue studies in medical homeopathy and Bach Flower remedies.
Outwith work and study, I enjoy spending time with family and pets, encaustic painting and needle felting.